Filming in North Dakota - Permits and Regulations
No general permit is offered or required to film in North Dakota. The Division of Tourism of the North Dakota Department of Commerce can assist with permitting questions.
While the Department of Commerce does not issue permits, its relationships and contacts with destinations across the state can help determine what kind of location agreements are needed for your project. Permits are required in some areas, like national park sites and Indian reservations.
Native American Reservations
One of North Dakota’s best resources is a rich cultural connection to Native American people and places. Reservations are full of authentic filming locations and talent. Click here for more information about filming on tribal lands.
National Parks
Special permits are required to film in any of the three units of Theodore Roosevelt National Park and in the state's two national historic sites: Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site and Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site. Certain restrictions also are in place for use of drones and other filmmaking equipment in national parks. Click here for more details on filming at national parks and historic sites.
Filming at the North Dakota State Capitol
The North Dakota State Capitol is open to the public and does not have any restrictions on filming or photography. If someone is filming in sensitive areas such as around critical infrastructure or the governor’s residence they can probably expect a visit from a security officer to determine their intentions. Facility management may require a use permit for certain activities on the Capitol Grounds. For more details, contact facility management.
UAV/Drone Usage
North Dakota follows federal guidelines for the usage of drones. Click here for more on drone use.