Traveling in North Dakota
Tools to make your travels in North Dakota easier
Traveling in North Dakota
North Dakota Tourism and the North Dakota Department of Transportation welcome you to North Dakota and hope your visit here will be legendary. We hope the information found here and on other pages are helpful as you visit our remarkable state.
Speed Limit
75 miles per hour on interstate highways, except where otherwise posted around major cities. 65 miles per hour on all other primary and secondary highways, except where otherwise posted.
Statewide Road Report
Call 511, 1-866-MY ND or 1-866-696-3511.
Click here for a digital report
Emergency assistance
Regulations for Interstate Buses
ICC Operating Authority Buses entering North Dakota must have ICC operating authority and be enrolled in the Single State Registrations System (SSRS) prior to entering the state.
Highway Use Permits
North Dakota is a member of the International Registration Plan (IRP). A $20 permit is required if not a member of IRP.
Motor Fuel Tax Requirements
A $15 permit must be purchased if not a member of the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).