Pigeon Point Preserve

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Pigeon Point Preserve ,
6309-6331 145th Ave. SE,
Sheldon, ND
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Pigeon Point's high diversity of wetland habitats and plant life is noteworthy. At least 15 rare plants are harbored in fen and wetland thicket habitats. The preserve also has one of the best developed, spring-fed streams in the Sheyenne River Valley.

The south end of the preserve consists of upland sandhill habitat much of which was formerly farmed. The Conservancy is currently restoring native tallgrass prairie to these old farm fields. The less disturbed northern end consists of slopes and floodplains of the Sheyenne River covered by riparian and wetland forests. Unusual groundwater-fed wetlands, called fens, are scattered in this area, along the slopes dropping off to the river floodplain.

Although part of the Sheyenne Delta landscape, an area dominated by sand prairies, Pigeon Point preserve features the wetter end of the moisture gradient. Fens, shrub meadows, wet prairies, wet meadows, and lowland hardwood forests all are important parts of the vegetation at this preserve. Among the rare plants found in these wetter habitats are marsh bellflower, spring cress, bog bedstraw, buck bean, Virginia mountain mint, bog willow, delicate sedge, brook flat sedge, marsh horsetail and slender cotton sedge.

Activities by beavers are most noticeable at the preserve. Beaver dams have impacted water levels in many of the wetlands and fens on the preserve, and their feeding activity has also changed the nature of some of the plant communities, for example removal of trees and shrubs. These changes in turn influence the types of birds and other animals that inhabit these communities. The birds at Pigeon Point are as varied as the habitat. On the upland prairie you might see western meadowlarks, upland sandpipers, marbled godwits, savannah sparrows, clay-colored sparrows, grasshopper sparrows, Baird's sparrows and the occasional yellow rail. In the upland thickets, you may see a black-billed cuckoo, brown thrasher, catbird, lark sparrow, tree sparrow, wild turkeys and downy and hairy woodpeckers. In the prairie wetlands (during migration) you will see countless species of ducks. And in the Riverine forest and wetlands you may see a rose-breasted grosbeak, scarlet tanager, redstart, indigo bunting, oven bird, veery, or a pileated woodpecker.

There are no facilities at Pigeon Point. Bring water and all other supplies you might need. Nearest supplies are 18 miles away in Lisbon or 11 miles in Enderlin.

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    • Open Year 'Round
    • Family-Friendly,
    • Free Admission
    • Countryside

46.499343, -97.39143

Pigeon Point Preserve

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