Rainbow Garden and Sculpture Walk
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Rainbow Garden and Sculpture Walk ,
367 Third St. SW (Highway 200),
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Rainbow Garden has seven plots, each demonstrating a different theme. We hope the variety gives our visitors ideas for their yards. We hope, also, that you enjoy the sculptures and poems.
Our seven gardens are The English Garden, The White Garden, The Cottage Garden, The Rock Garden, The Children's Garden, The Herb Garden,and The Labyrinth.
Since we have become fairly competent at the craft of gardening, we have graduated to the art of design by concentrating on color, texture, shape and arrangement.
We are building a collection of commissioned sculptures from artists around the nation. Currently we have 15 sculptures and poems in our Sculpture Walk.
All Features
- Instruction Available,
- Self-guided Tours
General Information
- Family-Friendly,
- Free Admission