3 Sites on TRNP North Unit Scenic Byway
Take an amazing 14-mile ride through Badlands terrain onto the grasslands. Stand in awe above the valley carved by the meandering Little Missouri River and drive slowly through bison herds within the park.

About 1.5 miles west of Juniper Campground is the start of a 1.6-mile round-trip self-guided trail through coulees and dry water gulches.
14 miles south of Watford City
Grassy Butte, ND
United States

This scenic overlook offers breathtaking views of the Badlands from a historic shelter built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s.
14 miles south of Watford City
Grassy Butte, ND
United States

This final overlook along the byway offers a sweeping panoramic view of the Badlands and of an oxbow in the Little Missouri River.
14 miles south of Watford City
Arnegard, ND
United States