Bison in Teddy Rosevelt State Park in North Dakota

Buffalo Trails Tour

At the center of the Northern Plains is a rugged section of Badlands, buttes and fertile grasslands where cattle and sheep graze, and the deer and antelope still roam. This region – bordered by the towns of Hettinger, N.D. and Lemmon, Bison and Buffalo, S.D. – is where Lakota and Dakota people conducted the last hunts of the majestic, wild buffalo that once roamed the grasslands in great herds. Read snippets on events at the locations below. Click here to order your copies of trail companion books "Buffalo Trails in the Dakota Buttes" and "Buffalo Heartbeats Across the Plains" to read the rest of the stories. Start your journey with a visit to the buffalo mount “Prairie Thunder” at Dakota Buttes Museum in Hettinger. 

Click here for the TR to the Faces Tour of western North and South Dakota

Learn about the last great traditional hunts, a known buffalo jump, the people who saved calves and celebrate the amazing National Mammal in parks, ranches and tribal lands.

Learn more at Buffalo Alive on the River Grandé

Buffalo trails tour images
Tribal Herds

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe owns around 250 buffalo in two herds. The north herd can usually be seen from Highway 1806 (also called ND Highway 24) on the road to Mandan, just south of Prairie Knights Casino.

Fort Yates, ND
United States

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North American Bison Discovery Center

At one time, three white bison - White Cloud, Dakota Miracle and Dakota Legend - could be found in the herd at the North American Bison Discovery Center in Jamestown.

Prairie Thunder
Grandest of Them All

Prairie Thunder at the Dakota Buttes Museum stands 5 1/2 feet tall at the shoulder and is 8 1/2 feet from nose to tail. He was judged at close to 2,000 pounds and his horns span 30 inches at the widest point.

120 S Main St
Hettinger, ND 58639
United States

Buffalo trails tour images

Site where the American buffalo made their last stand in a remote and beautiful valley and others like it within a radius of 30 or 40 miles. We call this the Butchering Site because of the many buffalo bones found here.

512 Adams Ave
Hettinger, ND 58639
United States

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Hiddenwood Hunt 1882

The is where the "Last Great Buffalo Hunt" began on or about June 20, 1882, near Hiddenwood Cliff. Hunters killed 2,000 buffalo the first day and quick-butchered them on the second. By the third day, the herd had not moved far and hunters killed 3,000 buffalo that day.

Hettinger, ND
United States

Buffalo trails tour images

The buffalo jump, an ancient hunting technique, took advantage of cliffs that commonly border creeks and rivers in the Plains. A successful jump depended on having a large number of animals. At the site, two layers of buffalo bones totaling 16 feet thick on the face of the cliff were clearly visible until World War II.

Lemmon, SD
United States

Buffalo trails tour images

A nice place to consider the complex relationship between the buffalo and the native people who lived here. Blacktail Trail is a seven-mile walking loop with deer antlers marking the trail. Interpretive signs are along the route.

11839 Hudgins Rd
Meadow, SD 57644
United States

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Slim Butte Hunts

Winters on the Northern Plains vary from snowy, windy and cold to sunny and moderate. The Slim Buttes are a very delightful place for reenacting history. Find a scenic place where you might enjoy viewing buffalo - or joining the hunt and imagine riding with Lakota hunters.

13902 SD-79
Reva, SD 57651
United States

Buffalo trails tour images

This may well be the area where Pete Dupree and his family came with a buckboard wagon in early summer 1881 or 1882 to rescue buffalo calves. This noted rescue by Native Americans was likely here or within 30 miles of this beautiful grassland on the South Grand River.

Bison, SD
United States

Buffalo trails tour images
Viewing Behavior

You are welcome to stop along public roads to view buffalo, which are large, strong, unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Admire from afar but do not approach. Do not enter pastures with buffalo or drive through gates without permission.

Reva, SD
United States